Get rid of diabetes? - Now that's real!

An innovative diabetes care doctor interviews GlucoPRO An innovative diabetes care doctor interviews GlucoPRO

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes is one of the leading causes of premature death in the world.

According to official statistics, there are currently more than 425 million people in the world who have diabetes. However, according to endocrinologists, the actual figure is twice the size: many diabetics do not even know about their disease.

Can a diabetes diagnosis be ruled out forever? These and other important questions must be answered by the chief medical officer of the Diabetes Institute Akilla Tan.

Sustained and disappointing statistics show that the number of people with type 2 diabetes continues to rise. What is the cause and what causes this disease?

In the past, type 2 diabetes, aptly called diabetes mellitus or obese elderly patients, used to be. The main factor in the development of this disease is obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, age and genetic predisposition.

It can be said that the diabetes epidemic is directly linked to the obesity epidemic. Excess weight in the body affects the function of the digestive system and in particular the work of the pancreas, which produces the hormones necessary for the breakdown of sugar - insulin.

Are there any signs that should alert the patient to visit an endocrinologist?

- Yes, the signs were there, but they did appear with blood sugar levels very high. They include: dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, weakness.

These symptoms can appear many years after the onset of the disease. A slight rise in blood sugar levels may not appear in any way, but this condition for several years can cause serious complications in the blood vessels of diabetes.

Therefore, people at risk - over 40 and overweight - should be regularly diagnosed by endocrinologists.

Congested diabetics do not realize the seriousness of this disease. Tell us how diabetes affects the internal organs, what are the consequences?

Diabetes has a devastating effect on all human organs and internal systems. The fact is that our blood vessels are not designed to pump “sweet” blood: glucose damages the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys and eyes, and gradually leads to kidney failure and total vision loss.

The risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary arteries of the brain vessels increases significantly. Ultimately, damage to the leg veins leads to gangrene and amputation.

Is there a cure for diabetes completely?

- Over the past few years, our Foundation, along with a large pharmaceutical company, has been involved in the development of a new drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes called GlucoPRO.

At this time, this is the most effective drug that does not have analogues.

- How does GlucoPRO work?

Strengthens insulin secretion, increases the body's sensitivity to this hormone, and reduces insulin resistance. In addition, GlucoPRO interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

Taking medications ensures complete recovery of pancreatic function. As a result, he began to produce enough insulin without medication.

- That is, after applying GlucoPRO, the body fully recovers?

- Yeah. All complications of diabetes are also eliminated: GlucoPRO cleanses the blood vessels of plaque cholesterol, reduces high blood pressure, and provides adequate nutrients to the nervous system. Promote weight loss by neutralizing obesity, the most common cause of disease. Reduce sugar cravings by blocking sensitive sugar taste areas on the tongue.

It is worth noting that this medicine contains only herbal ingredients. As a result, it had no negative consequences for the body.

- Where can you buy GlucoPRO?

- GlucoPRO is sold in pharmacies, but it is difficult to find: it is a new drug, very rarely. Therefore, manufacturers have created a website, where you can order GlucoPRO at cost, at no additional cost from the retailer.

Lester, thank you for a very informative interview. I think you have helped a lot of our readers.

Editorial note: A link to the website, where you can buy GlucoPRO, is attached at the cost below.

All you have to do is enter your name and phone number. Hurry up - quickly!! You have time left:
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Abner 20.07.2020

My mother suffered from diabetes for 15 years already. I ordered GlucoPRO, I finally want him to start living the life of ordinary people

Dana 21.07.2020

I am also diabetic. So tired because of the endless injections and restrictions ...

Adolphus 22.07.2020

Thank you so much

Max 22.07.2020

My grandmother has a lot of diseases, and a year ago, in addition to everything, he was also diagnosed with diabetes. She is very worried about this, she is crying, afraid of complications, amputations, dependence on insulin. It is very difficult and bitter for us, the grandchildren, to see him. So thank you very much for this drug and thank you for the article we got to know you. Grandma has already started the treatment, and said he felt much better after taking the first dose

Abram 23.07.2020

I'm always mad at a doctor for a cure for cancer and AIDS - this news is on everyone's lips. And I think we're pharmacists interested in diabetes medicines. I stumbled upon your article by chance, but was very pleased with the news about GlucoPRO. My dad was diabetic, so I ordered some packages for him at once

Betty 24.07.2020

Guys, if anyone has received the parcel? How many are waiting?

Maria 25.07.2020

Delivered to me in three days

Elwood 26.07.2020

I am only 45 years old and I have diabetes. I don't use insulin, but I still take a lot of medicine every day, I try to follow a strict (very difficult) diet, but sugar increases are still common. Both my hands are numb, so I can barely even touch my finger on the computer buttons (I'm a programmer). The disease is very disruptive to life. You give me hope for a fulfilling life. I leave requests on your website, and I can't wait to start treatment

Gloria 26.07.2020

You asked, I really want to start treatment

Abas 27.07.2020

I also suffered from diabetes. Tired of fighting disease. I am very optimistic about your medicine